
Mark Schoenfeld ELI NextGen PurushaSM Fund

Donations to this fund are used to give scholarships for the Taste of NextGen Purusha Course and the Maharishi Vedic Leadership Forum Courses. These courses provide an opportunity for the younger generation to experience a taste of Purusha life and we hope many participants will go on to join the NextGen Purusha program. To support this fund, go to the donations page on Purusha.org and enter ‘Mark Schoenfeld ELI NGP Fund’ in the ‘Inspired by’ box.

Taste of NextGen Purusha Course

Participants in this course join the NextGen Purusha program in their daily program, meals, activities, and evening knowledge program. This course is available year-round at multiple locations and may be taken for more than one week. For more information visit the NextGen Purusha website.

Maharishi VedicSM Leadership Forum Course
- 10 Days –

This course is one of Maharishi’s most advanced courses on Vedic leadership and contains a larger knowledge component than the traditional NGP program. The course includes two adventure days hiking in the nearby mountains. For more details, see the course descriptions on PurushaCourses.org.
